Enhance Warehouse Onboarding & Create Personal Connections with TextHive

TextHive for Warehouses is an innovative text messaging platform that streamlines onboarding communication, empowering managers to foster a personable environment amidst the rapid pace of the workplace. Experience seamless efficiency and effective connection like never before.

Warehouse worker using TextHive

Employee Turnover

The latest figures from the Bureau of Labor Statistics put annual warehouse turnover rates at 43%.


Employee Burnout

73% of warehouse operators acknowledge they cannot find enough people to staff their warehouses properly.

*Freight Waves Survey


Employees Quit

Warehouse leaders struggle to connect with employees upon their arrival and 75% of them leave within the first 95 days.

*Five Strategies for Improving Warehouse Worker Retention

We Can Help You Improve the Onboarding Process

Great Onboarding Can Improve Employee Retention by 82%

During their initial 90 days, your new warehouse employees must acquire a comprehensive understanding of their position and operational procedures, establish connections with managers, and coworkers, and demonstrate their skills effectively when operating machinery.

How effective is the onboarding program you’ve developed?

Are your managers adhering to your process? Or are steps being skipped?

Our text-based workflows help you retain your new hires by providing a high-touch onboarding experience where you can be involved in the process directly from your mobile device.

From there, you can manage your employee relationships both in the warehouse and through TextHive.

Single Phone Number

All workflows start from a single phone number. So, your new hire can save it, easily recognize messages from you, and stay updated effortlessly!

New hire using TextHive from an ipad

Stay Active & Responsive

Our active phone number feature allows employees to send messages to TextHive and receive confirmation before we forward them to management. This ensures prompt responses to their questions.

New hire checking his message from manager via TextHive

AI Assisted Responses

TextHive also analyzes incoming messages and attempts to answer inbound questions by comparing them to a list of client-defined keywords. This means that your employees will get answers to their questions even faster while saving you time spent on common communications.

Manager showing new hire a notification
“We are very enthusiastic about the new features and excited about the results we are experiencing. For us, TextHive employee feedback alerted our leaders to an opportunity for improvement at a particular location that was leading to higher-than-average turnover. We were about to step in with facts and fix the issue right away!"
Harrison Eldridge
Copper Cellar

Meet Your Employees Where They Are - Book A Demo of TextHive.io